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This is the Umuekwe page list, the detail information is below.

Umuekwere Ihite Orumba South Anambra: 423102

  • City: Umuekwere
  • Region 1: Anambra
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 423102
  • Ohuru-Umuekwesu Ahiaba Obioma Ngwa Abia: 453102

  • City: Ohuru-Umuekwesu
  • Region 1: Abia
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 453102
  • Umuekwe Mbutu Isiala Ngwa South Abia: 451114

  • City: Umuekwe
  • Region 1: Abia
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 451114
  • Rumuekwe Obio-Akpo Obio-Akpor Rivers: 500102

  • City: Rumuekwe
  • Region 1: Rivers
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 500102
  • Umuekwelu II Nkwo-Egwu Ikwuano Abia: 440112

  • City: Umuekwelu II
  • Region 1: Abia
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 440112
  • Umuekwe-Okwudoe Mgbidi Oru west Imo: 474101

  • City: Umuekwe-Okwudoe
  • Region 1: Imo
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 474101
  • Umuekwerede-Ekwenenaelochi Udo Ezinithitte Imo: 462114

  • City: Umuekwerede-Ekwenenaelochi
  • Region 1: Imo
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 462114
  • Umuekwerede-Ekwenenaelochi Azuzuahia-Eziudo Ezinithitte Imo: 462114

  • City: Umuekwerede-Ekwenenaelochi
  • Region 1: Imo
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 462114
  • Umuekwene Mbutu Aboh Mbaise Imo: 462105

  • City: Umuekwene
  • Region 1: Imo
  • Country: Nigeria(nga)
  • Postcode (ZIP): 462105
  • Example Postal Code (ZIP Code) Address Format




    Umuekwe Umuekwe 451114