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Home >> region3

This is the Ikpa Ibekwe page list, the detail information is below.

  • Ata Udo Usung
  • Ikong Ukpo Inwa
  • Ikot Aba
  • Ikot Abasi
  • Ikot Akpan Ata
  • Ikot Essien
  • Ikot Etetuk
  • Ikot Obong
  • Ikpetim
  • Uta Ewa
  • Example Postal Code (ZIP Code) Address Format




    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Abasi 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ata Udo Usung 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Essien 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Uta Ewa 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikpetim 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikong Ukpo Inwa 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Etetuk 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Akpan Ata 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Aba 534101
    Ikpa Ibekwe Ikot Obong 534101